Fun­ded Part­ners

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

As a "University of the Information Society", the Paderborn University bundles its activities in all those areas that are of central importance for the further development of the information society. The fields of computer science, business informatics and electrical engineering are an outstanding strength of the University of Paderborn and provide essential impulses for new products and services for the global markets of tomorrow.

Soft­ware In­nov­a­tion Lab

The Software Innovation Lab (SI-Lab) deals with issues related to data- and software-driven innovations and thus creates an essential basis for the requirements-oriented design of future-oriented, networked and intelligent systems.


Sus­tain­able en­ergy con­cepts

The competencies of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering - Sustainable Energy Concepts (NEK) as part of the University of Paderborn include innovative energy supply structures, rational energy use, use of renewable energies (i.e. potential capture, efficient conversion, high service life), energy balancing and consumption management.


Data Cen­ter for Util­ity Net­works Wehr GmbH (RZVN)

The RZVN serves as an interface to the practical application at the municipal utilities and network operators. Due to its many years of experience in the creation of hydraulic and electrical computational network models, the RZVN has a distinct competence in the transfer and preparation of data from the municipal utilities (consumption data, network and plant data, etc.) as well as the subsequent modeling for the economic and physical-technical simulations.



NITY AG's customers benefit in particular from the unique consulting approach: Together with the customers, customized solutions are developed that sustainably increase success. The company has already carried out numerous consulting projects in the energy industry and is also involved in numerous research projects.


West­falen­WIND GmbH

WestfalenWIND GmbH is a wind farm operator in the Paderborn district and surrounding area, managing more than 70 Enercon wind turbines that produce around 400 million kWh of environmentally friendly electricity per year.



En­er­gie Im­puls OWL e. V.

Energie Impuls OWL e. V. emerged from the EXPO Initiative OWL (1st REGIONALE NRW, 1997-2001) at the request of many companies in order to continue developing the spectacular OWL energy projects of EXPO 2000 after the world exhibition. They promote education, science, research and development with the aim of gaining new technical knowledge and experience in the field of renewable energy and efficient energy use.


West­falen Weser Netz GmbH

Westfalen Weser Netz GmbH, based in Paderborn, operates regional distribution networks for electricity, gas and water. Its central task is the secure, efficient and non-discriminatory provision of the electricity and gas network for industry, commerce, agriculture and households. Westfalen Weser Netz's network area covers around 6400 km² across two federal states in the high-growth regions of East Westphalia-Lippe and Southern Lower Saxony.




As­so­ci­ated Part­ners

Further associated partners of the project are: